1. The future belongs to those who know their true personal soul mission in just a few words. It’s the strongest pulse of their personal WHY.
2. To create the future begins with slowing the monkey mind and quieting the invading world. Those who carry any form of meditation practice breath by breath can heed the visions of unborn realities and discover the infinitudes inside themselves.
3. Systems of the future are biomimetic, vital, collaborative, adaptive, sustainable, self-organizing, equitable, thriving and emergent.
4. The future belongs to those whose minds are syncretic, polymathic and dialectic, such is the destiny of humanity. They have a moral imagination. They are lovers of truth and wisdom and must actively seek to bring their ideas to the world without fear.
5. We are all storytellers. We must actively mine new meaning that warms up in us and in others our natural inclination for beauty, care for the planet, curiosity, affection, friendship and creativity.
6. We must liberate ourselves from the world and its hyperreality. Actively creating space for new evolving symbolic structures in ourselves and in others.
7. Self-mastery, self-knowledge, self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-expression, self-invention and self-actualization creates the future.
8. Technology will play an integral role in all facets of the future of human society. Thus, an ethical framework should anchor all such rapid technologies created.
9. Societies of the future are societies who collectively and actively strive for positive peace, moral imagination and transforming the vicious cycles of violence against the society’s most vulnerable populations.
10. Societies of the future are societies who actively strive to create right relationships amongst the members of its society, and our natural environments and our planet.

This version was produced by Fabrice Guerrier on August 9th, 2020 while living in the U.S. Capital, Washington D.C. during the global pandemic. THE FUTURE MANIFESTO inspired the creation and vision of The Fabrice Guerrier Show.